P- Vinai (editor) “Pathways to obesity and main roads to recovery” Nova Science Publisher; New York (2011) The common aspect of obese patients can hide different causes of weight gain. Frequently psychopathological differences among obese patients, needing different therapeutic approaches, are hidden by their common aspect. Aim of the book is to put in evidence the role that different factors (such as BED, NES, social influences, childhood overweight, psychiatric co morbidities...) play in onset and maintenance of obesity and how to deal with these different “obesities”. Frequentemente le differenze psicopatologiche tra i pazienti obesi, che necessitano di diversi approcci terapeutici, sono nascoste dall’aspetto del loro corpo, apparentemente simile. Scopo del libro è quello di mettere in evidenza il ruolo che diversi fattori (come il Binge Eating Disorder, la Night Eating Syndrome, le influenze sociali, l’obesità infantile, le patologie psichiatriche ...) giocano nell'insorgenza e nel mantenimento dell’ obesità e come personalizzare il trattamento di questi “differenti” obesi. _____________________________________________________ ITALIAN BOOKS Todisco P, Vinai P La fame infinita Centro Scientifico Editore Torino 2008. _____________________________________________________ Chapters of booksIN ENGLISH Orna Tzischinsky, Pierguiseppe Vinai, Michael J. Howell and Yael Latzer. Sleep-Related Eating Disorders: A Separate Entity or Part of the NES Clinical Spectrum? in Sanjeev V. Kothare - Anna Ivanenko Parasomnias Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Springer New York 2013  Jennifer D. Lundgren, Kelly C. Allison, Piergiuseppe Vinai, and Marci E. Gluck Assessment Instruments for Night Eating Syndrome in Jennifer D. Lundgren, Kelly C. Allison, Albert J. Stunkard: Night Eating Syndrome: Research, Assessment, and Treatment. Guilford Press New York 2012 _____________________________________________________  P Vinai: “Influence of cognitive Bias in visual evaluation of food amount in patients affected by eating disorders”. In Victor R. Preedy, Ronald Ross Watson, Colin R. Martin editors, “Handbook of Behavior, Diet and Nutrition” Springer Berlin . 2011. _____________________________________________________  Y Latzer, KC Allison, O Tzischinsky, P Vinai Night Eating Syndrome . In Latzer, Merrick, Stein Understanding Eating Disorders: Integrating Culture, Psychology and Biology Nova Science Publisher N Y 2010 _____________________________________________________  P Vinai, S Cardetti , G Carpegna, N Ferrato, P Vallauri, P Todisco, E Tugnoli “Pathogenesis of Binge Eating Disorder: Loss of Control, Impulsivity and Intolerance of Emotions” in S. Sassaroli and GM Ruggiero: “Cognitive therapy of eating disorders on control and worry”. Nova Science Publisher N Y 2010 Capitoli di libri in italiano
M. Speciale, F Tonello, P Vinai 
In due si sbaglia meglio: l’errore nella relazione terapeutica In Scarinci Lorenzini “Errori in psicoterapia Cognitivo Comportamentale”. Alpes Roma 2009 P. Vinai: Il binge Eating Disorder, In Sassaroli & Ruggiero “I disturbi alimentari” ed. Laterza (2010) _____________________________________________________ Articoli scientifici su riviste internazionali peer reviewed Vinai P, CardettiS, Studt S, Carpegna G, Ferrato N, Vallauri P, Casey H, Vinai L, Vinai P, Ferini Strambi L, Speciale M and Manconi M. Clinical validity of the descriptor: “Presence of a belief that one must eat in order to get to sleep” in diagnosing the Night Eating Syndrome. Accepted 12 12 2013  Jared M. Pisapia, Casey H. Halpern, Ulf J. Muller, Piergiuseppe Vinai, John A. Wolf, Donald M. Whiting, Thomas A. Wadden, Gordon H. Baltuch & Arthur L. Caplan Ethical considerations in deep brain stimulation for the treatment of addiction and overeating associated with obesity. AJOB Neuroscience: Volume 4 Issue 2 - May 2013  Attiah MA, Halpern CH, Balmuri U, Vinai P, Mehta S, Baltuch GH, Williams NN, Wadden TA, Stein SC. Durability of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery: A Meta-Regression Study. Ann Surg. 2012 May 11 _____________________________________________________  Antelm E, Vinai P, Pizza F, Marcatelli M, Speciale M, Provini F. Nocturnal eating is part of the clinical spectrum of restless legs syndrome and an underestimated risk factor for increased body mass index. Sleep Med. Available online 1 December 2013 Vinai P, Ferri R, Ferini-Strambi L, Cardetti S, Anelli M, Vallauri P, Ferrato N, Zucconi M, Carpegna G, Manconi M. Defining the borders between Sleep-Related Eating Disorder and Night Eating Syndrome Sleep Med. 2012 Jun;13(6):686-90. Epub 2012 Mar 26 _____________________________________________________  Ottavia Colombo, Virginia F Ferretti, Cinzia Ferraris, Claudia Trentani, Piergiuseppe Vinai, Simona Villani and Anna Tagliabue. Is drop-out from obesity treatment a predictable and preventable event? Nutrition Journal accepted 01 28 2014  Da Ros A, Vinai P, Gentile N, Forza G, Cardetti S. Evaluation of alexithymia and depression in severe obese patients not affected by eating disorders. Eat Weight Disord. 2011 Mar;16(1):e24-9. Ruggiero GM, Bertelli S, Boccalari L, Centorame F, Ditucci A, La Mela C, Scarinci A, Vinai P, Scarone S, Sassaroli S. The influence of stress on the relationship between cognitive variables and measures of eating disorders (in healthy female university students): a quasi-experimental study. Eat Weight Disord. 2008 Sep;13(3):142-8. Vinai P, Masante D, Cardetti S, Ferrato N, Vallaur P, Carpegna G, Sassaroli S, Ruggiero GM Eyes are bigger than the stomach: correlation between body mass index, satiety, and prediction of satiety.. Eat Weight Disord. 2009 Dec;14(4):e231-3. _____________________________________________________  Martinelli V, Colombo O, Nichini C, Repossi I, Vinai P, Tagliabue A. High frequency of psychopathology in subjects wishing to lose weight: an observational study in Italian subjects. Public Health Nutr. 2011 Feb;14(2):373-6 _____________________________________________________  Allison KC, Lundgren JD, O'Reardon JP, Geliebter A, Gluck ME, Vinai P, Mitchell JE, Schenck CH, Howell MJ, Crow SJ, Engel S, Latzer Y, Tzischinsky O, Mahowald MW, Stunkard AJ. Proposed diagnostic criteria for night eating syndrome. Int J Eat Disord. 2010 Apr;43(3):241-7 _____________________________________________________  Sassaroli S, Ruggiero GM, Vinai P, Cardetti S, Carpegna G, Ferrato N, Vallauri P, Masante D, Scarone S, Bertelli S, Bidone R, Busetto L, Sampietro S. Daily and nightly anxiety among patients affected by night eating syndrome and binge eating disorder. Eat Disord. 2009 Mar-Apr;17(2):140-5. _____________________________________________________ Vinai P, Carpegna G, Cardetti S, Ferrato N, Vallauri P, Masante D, Meister A, Ruggiero GM, Sassaroli S. Food is never enough: nature and nurture's influence on children's food dose evaluation. Eat Disord. 2008 Mar-Apr;16(2):128-35. _____________________________________________________  Sassaroli S, Lauro LJ, Ruggiero GM, Mauri MC, Vinai P, Frost R. Perfectionism in depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and eating disorders. Behav Res Ther. 2008 Jun;46(6):757-65. _____________________________________________________  Allison KC, Latzer Y, Tzischinsky O, Vinai P What is Night Eating Syndrome? New Directions Toward a Unified Definition . Int Jour. of Child and Adol. Health 2008 2 (2): 175-184 _____________________________________________________ Articoli peer reviewed in lingua italiana P Vinai P. Todisco La terapia del binge eating disorder in "Il Binge Eating Disorder". A cura di Palmiero Monteleone. NOOS aggiornamenti in psichiatria vol. 15, Numero 2, Maggio-Agosto 2009 _____________________________________________________  P Vinai, S Cardetti, G Carpegna, N Ferrato, P Vallauri L'obesità infantile. Eziologia, prevenzione e cura secondo il modello cognitivo-comportamentale Psicobiettivo 2011 ______________________________________________